The Future Energy Solutions conference gathered industry leaders in Lappeenranta

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The city of Lappeenranta together with LUT University organized the Future Energy Solutions (FES) conference on November 8-9, 2022 at LUT. The main theme of the conference, Towards an energy self-sufficient Europe, was very topical both regionally and Europe-wide. The presentations discussed e.g. hydrogen economy, the role of hydrogen valleys in Europe, energy storage and small nuclear power plants. Regionally important investment projects related to the energy transition were also highlighted at the conference.

About 300 energy and environmental experts arrived on site for the conference organized as a hybrid event to network and share information. The conference featured high-level speakers from the European Commission, the Finnish government, companies and research communities.

The FES conference was organized for the second time this year, and the event is planned to be held every two years in the future.